Amla Juice for Weight Loss:

5 Tips to Get Rid Of Extra Kilos with Indian Gooseberry Shots

Amla is one type of natural small green fruit known as Indian gooseberry. Generally, it is eaten with candy or pickles. If we want to add additional nutrients to our menu quickly and easily, sometimes it is taken as a drink or powdered supplement.  Gooseberry juice is one of the best nutritious drinks which is closely related to a lot of health benefits. Gooseberry provides several types of health benefits such as strengthening immunological performance, hair development, and supporting digestive health. Hence, patients with kidney, heart, and liver diseases get the best support from this gooseberry.  


Boosts Metabolism: 

 Amla juice plays an important role in reducing our weight. However regular consumption of amla juice assists in flushing out the toxins in our healthy bodies closely related to insufficient metabolism and boosts fat burning. Slow body metabolism is responsible for weight gain.

Amla juice is a Source of Protein: 

It is important to say that lots of protein synthesis means effective weight loss. On the other hand, a shortage of protein synthesis reduces the body’s metabolism. Hence, contributing to the additional weight. Daily amla juice consumption helps in boost our body’s rate of breaking protein.

Amla juice Removes Toxins: 

One of the greatest causes of obesity is Toxins, excessive toxins in our body will increase obesity earlier. Amla juice is very effective in reducing toxins and assists in detoxing. The main function of this fruit is not only to cause weight gain but also to prevent us from growing additional toxins. If we take amla juice regularly it increases our digestion rate.  

Increases Satiety: 

Amla juice contains high fiber, which helps us stay full for a long period. It also assists to lose our weight. At the same time it prevents us from overeating. Amla is full of carbohydrates which control our blood sugar levels. High fiber helps us prevent constipation and weight gain while simultaneously maintaining the digestive system.

Keeps You Energetic: 

Amla juice is very nourishing which is very effective on an empty stomach. It gives us a lot of energy for the whole day if we drink it early in the morning.  Consuming early in the morning, acts as an energizing beverage that keeps us active and energized all day.

Hog plum juice Promotes Muscle Strength:


Thiamine is one of the best ingredients of this fruit, which is very effective for muscle contractions and nerve signals. It performs a lot of functions in our body. Numerous types of symptoms like muscle weakness, may arise due to a lack of thiamine. This fruit is effective in eliminating the chances of this condition.





Increases Bone Health

This fruit is a good source of vitamin K, which helps not only in blood clotting but also strengthens the bones. It helps to improve our bone health conditions like fractures etc. Although the impacts of osteoporosis are not medically proven, most people believe that hog plum can reduce osteoporosis problems.

Amla Improves Hemoglobin


Hog plum is full of iron, and the core function of iron is to produce hemoglobin, it transfers oxygen to all the parts of our body. Iron is a core micronutrient of our body, and prevents anemia and blood conditions.


What is the benefit of Amla Leaf?

Hog plum or amla is not only good for our health but also leaves serve as antiseptics. Leaves of this tree are used to make soaps and treating sore throat, cough, malaria, and numerous sicknesses. Barks, juice, and fruit have also therapeutic benefits. They are used as alternative medicines.

Essential nutrients on an empty stomach

Amla is full of essential nutrients, it is available in winter and we get it in different forms like pickles, candy to murabba. Besides, there are lots of ways of eating amla. It is an ayurvedic and natural wonder fruit. It is essential to include our daily diet to boost our immune system and complete well-being. It is different in taste like sour, pungent, bitter, astringent, and sweet. It can consumed in the form of pickles, murabba, candy, chatni. Powder, and juice also. Amla candy is effective for people who have teeth. Amla is the most popular for Ayurveda treatment.

The ancient fruit is popular for promoting longevity, and many activities like enhancing digestion, decreasing high fever, purifyig blood, enhancing hair growth, etc.  



 Amla juice reduces weight, it is one kind of superfood that provides us with a lot of health benefits because it is full of antioxidants and contains a high vitamin C level. Antioxidant is the greatest element of gooseberry juice and it removes toxins from our body while simultaneously becoming a fantastic assistant for weight loss. Moreover, it reduces cravings and allows us more control over how much food we eat. Amla juice enhances metabolism and preserves general health. Both of them are essential for weight loss. This is a great option for us who are trying to get better health since it helps in losing weight and offers a variety of additional benefits.

Amla juice full of nutrients

 Amla is enriched in antioxidants and nutrients. Moreover, anti-inflammatory properties are the best characteristics of amla, it helps our body digest food better all day long. Early in the morning is the best time to take amla on an empty stomach. Take a glass of water, put sufficient amla powder, stir it, and later drink when we first wake up.

Amla powder

Amla powder is full of nutrients and one of the best Ayurveda medicines around the world. First of all, we need to dry it at low temperatures and later ground to extract powder from it. It is available around the world. Hence, one teaspoon of amla powder with honey early in the morning is very effective for our health. A few people like to take with warm water also.

Nutritious Amla pickle

Amla pickle is the easiest way to take with tandur ruti or paratha, or rice. Moreover, first of all, amla fruits are sliced into small pieces, then made its pulp, and later mixed with mustard oil, green chilli, and cumin seeds. Curry leaves, and salt are added to make it tasty. It becomes digestive and useful if these ingredients are mixed.

Nutritious Amla candy

Amla is one of the best candies, which is full of essential nutrients, and available in any local market. It tastes just a little bit sweet, and healthy also. If anybody prefers to eat something sweet, this candy may be the perfect option for them. To make amla candy cut it into small pieces, and dry them under the sun. When it is dried enough one can store it and eat it daily as per requirement.

Amla murabba

Amla murabba is both spicy and sweet which provides multiple benefits for our body, for example, arthritis pain. It is full of vitamin C and prevents constipation too. It is very helpful for digestion, and sources of chromium, zinc, iron, and copper also. Hence, it develops our immune system. This fruit is very effective in fighting against bacteria, viruses, etc. It also develops the functional system of the fully healthy operating body.







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