Computer identifies non organic products in the ocean

Non organic Products and Technology Around the Sea

Jute is an organic product and the computer identifies the products which are not organic like plastic in the ocean We, human beings are polluting the environment by throwing garbage here and there. The researchers have invented a new technology to remove non-organic waste products from seas, rivers, or any other coastal areas. They hope that this technology will play a role in cleaning-u operations by identifying floating plastic waste in coastal waters and large rivers. 
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Organic Jute Table Mat

Researchers are using “machine learning computers” to identify non-organic products like plastics floating in the ocean. In addition to pollution, British scientists have taken an initiative to make maps of polluted areas. Researchers at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) have used the most upgraded technology boat-mounted cameras to identify several types of nonorganic products floating in the ocean. For example plastic bags, bottles, papers, rags, etc. Jute is a natural substance and eco-friendly. 

According to the BBC, machine learning computer is identifying several types of floating plastic by looking at the pictures taken by the camera. People around the world are aware of environmental pollution, and they are now motivated to use organic products like jute, bamboo, cane, etc. PML said on its website that its machine learning computer is 95% successful in identifying plastic waste by analyzing images. 

We, people, prefer plastic bags or bottles rather than using eco-friendly products like paper, bags, jute bags, bamboo products, cane products, etc. Artificial intelligence was 68% successful in correctly classifying organic or nonorganic products. Polybags have gained popularity for being the easiest convenient, and comparatively cheaper than other products but are responsible for the global pollution crisis. It is the biggest challenge to save the environment from this crisis.

It is a complicated subject to identify and remove waste floating poly plastic bags from the ocean. Machine learning computers have collected data conducting research on the ocean. Based on that data 
researchers have come to a decision that robot boats will identify the dloating plastic waste in the ocean. 

Jute Table Mat
Ecofriendly Table Mat

The success of this technology covers four different areas. PML said that the researchers will take the necessary steps to increase the capabilities of this technology. Soon, the researchers hope that this technology will play an important role in identifying floating plastic waste in coastal waters and major rivers and conducting clean-up operations. People can avoid environmental pollution by using organic jute products.

Ecofriendly Jute & Environment

  • Jute is one of the best organic products, particularly grown in India, as well as Bangladesh.
  • Several types ofc jute are grown well on wasteland, but tidal areas and alkaline soils are the most suitable for jute cultivation.
  • The main season of jute cultivation in Bangladesh and India is from December to May, but sometimes it is cultivated for the rehabilitation of wasteland, allowing it to be used for other crops including rice.
  • This plant is very short in growth, typically 4-6 months,
  • organic jute Table Mat
  • Cellulose is the most important ingredient of the jute plant, inner portion of the jute plant contains high-yield cellulose, making jute an ideal source of material for pseudo-woods and paper production.
  • The carbon footprint is low. Jute grows very fast in the field and its assimilation rate is very high. Nowadays, carbon dioxide is the main source of the greenhouse effect, jute plant keeps raw air clean by absorbing a large quantity of carbon dioxide. The main season for jute plants is 3 months, one hectare for jute plants absorbed 15 tons of CO2 from the air in this period, and at the same time, it releases 11 tons of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is clear from a study report that the assimilation rate is a few times higher than jute plants.
  • The ecological footprint is low. From the early stage of our previous generation, it is known that it grows well in a traditional method.
  • As there is crop rotation, The Jute plant requires just a little bit of pesticides, but in some cases, it grows well without any pesticides. 
  • The water footprint is low. Water supply is reducing day by day around the world and it is rain-fed, unlike cotton.

Care for an herbal drink from jute:

Herbal is one of the best products around the world. It is an organic and bad reaction in our bodies. Bangladeshi scientists have developed a new recipe from jute leaf which has been considered an herbal drink. Hopefully, it will gain popularity across the globe.

Scientists of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute have considered that “jute leaf tea” contains an additional 30 percent calorie than spinach. In addition to that, it holds iron, vitamin C, vitamin D, and anti-oxidants also.

BJRI officials including Dr, Md Nasimul Gani, principal scientific of BJRI, said, “The drink is healthy and tasty.” It acts as a medication against constipation, diabetes, cancer, and aging.

Hopefully, having organic qualities the drink has a great chance of taking high demand as a drink around the world.

Biodegradable Jute Table Mat

Jute herbal drink is getting popularity day by day in our country, simultaneously it is very easy to prepare. First of all take a cup or glass of hot water then put the jute powder in the cup or glass as per requirement, and stir it until turns green, later add sugar or milk to taste.

Officials of BJRI have shared an opinion with JDPC officials that a new drink recipe has been developed for customers. Furthermore, they also informed that once upon a time jute fiber and gunny bags were the main attention, but the use of jute has changed our lives for the time being. Now, BJRI focuses on diversified jute products like newly innovated herbal drinks has a great opportunity to earn a reputation around the world for their high quality and it is organic also. 

Jute leaf contains different types of ingredients like iron, calcium, carotene, fiber, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, etc. Being an organic product just an herbal drink is becoming very popular, and it has a great future a huge boost is waiting in this sector because several types of organic firms will be set up and many employment opportunities will be created in this sector. Entrepreneurs will invest in this sector for commercial production. 

Jute Table Mat
Jute Table Mat
Jute Table Mat



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